I hope you have all seen the excellent article written by our own Jason Edge about the 63/64 Cadillac Chapter in the most recent issue of The Self Starter. Jason has done an outstanding job with the chapter and it stands as a wonderful example of a well thought out venture. We have a number of chapters in the CLC but none compare to the 63/64 Chapter and its fine website and newsletter. I am privilidged to be a member of the chapter even though I have sold my 1963 Series 62 Convertible. If you have not done so, I encourage you to read some of the past newsletters and the fasinating articles of member's Cadillacs as well as Jason's technical tips. Whether you're a big fan of the 1963 and 1964 Cadillacs or not, these newsletters as awarded are newsletters of excellence. Great job Jason. - Greg
You need to be a member of CLC Carolina Region to add comments!
Hey Greg, Thanks! I really appreciate the postive feedback. I have seen the article online but still waiting for my May Self-Starter print copy! Instead of gushing over the 1963 and 1964 Cadillacs ad infinitum, I instead tried to convey the mechanics of creating and running a Chapter vs a Region. I was happy to see they used almost the entire article I submitted including my backstory! I have always encouraged all CLC members is to join local regions, such as our Carolina Region, but also join any Chapters that specialize in a particular model year or body style that you have interest. The Regions and Chapters complement each other nicely!