All Carolina Region Newsletters are Online

Just a reminder that we have all of the Carolina Region newsletters, including the latest October 2018 Issue, uploaded to our Website Newsletter page at

If you look on the left side of the screen you will see links to All of our newsletters. On the right you will see screen shots and links to our most recent newsletters.  Having them all in one place makes finding those back issues very easy! 

For Smart Phone Users - If you access the newsletters via your phone, you can download the newsletters as a PDF file and read later!  To access the newsletter go to on you phone, and click on the Newsletters link. You can either read the newsletter from the host site, or download the PDF file and read later. I am an iPhone user, and to download and save the file you pull up the newsletter, select the down arrow to download, and select the up arrow in the box at bottom to save to "Books".  I am told Droid phones have a similar feature that is just as easy.

Our newsletters are also posted to our Facebook page at

and to the Cadillac & LaSalle Newsletter Forums at

Jason Edge
CR-CLC Webmaster

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